Online Lessons

To ensure the best experience possible, it’s worth spending a little extra time to set up your equipment to maximize quality and communication.

Successful Zoom Tips

  • Download the Zoom app to your desktop so that you have access to the settings
  • Have your computer plugged into your modem as opposed to being wireless if possible – this will greatly improve the clarity of picture and cut down on sound delay and hiccups.
  • Set up the camera so your face and hands are visible
  • If you can, use an external microphone and wired headphones for the best sound
  • Use the following settings for “Audio Preferences” to more clearly convey your articulation and tone:
    • In “Advanced Settings”, enable Hi Fidelity Music Mode (computers only)
    • Check “Use Original Sound” in the Meeting Settings (tablets and phones)
    • The box on the screen should say Turn Off Original Sound for lessons
  • Be ready with all of your music and/or recordings before the lesson starts
  • Make sure a light source is in front of you (if you are backlit it may obscure your face and hands)
  • Play 3 feet or more away from the microphone and move forward to speak (your instrument is louder than a normal speaking voice)
  • Don’t use a virtual background because it can obscure the instrument and your hands